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Join date : 2008-09-27

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PostSubject: Нещо доста странно...   Нещо доста странно... Icon_minitime1Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:23 pm

Попаднах на нещичко доста интересно и наистина странно, можете да го видите тук. Това е кратката версия, а тук можете да видите пълната, ако ви се занимава. В youtube има доста измислени, нагласени и подправени чрез програми клипчета, но това ми се вижда някак възможно и истинско.

Ето едно описание от тук (сори, че е на английски, ако някой има проблеми само да ми драсне едно ЛС и ще го преведа):
Some years ago in my country in Sintra, three teenagers named Tiago, David and Tânia were going to a party in their car. David just bought a new DV camera with infrared image capture ability and they were lost in in the mountains were suddenly they saw one girl all dressed in white is stopped in the street asking for a ride.

They stopped and she entered the car. As soon as she asks for the ride, the camera image disturbed and the same for the sound. When she enters the car, they ask her name and where she is heading to. Se says her name is Teresa and that she is going just somewhere forward there. They don't ask anything more. The camera boy was curious about her and continues to capturing her images. About two minutes later and after asking her if everything was ok she says "Do you see that spot over there... Right there?... That's where I had an accident .... and DIED!"

I am Portuguese and I can confirm that the subtitles are 100% correct.

Can you imagine the panic in the car?

The driver crashes too and Teresa gives a huge scream to the camera! Now she looks like an undead instead of a person and attacks the camera man David.

The car crashed and when the police arrived to the place, the camera boy, named David was the only survivor. The two other teens died and Teresa was never found.

The worst part of this entire story is when the police investigates the name Teresa Fidalgo and found that she died in a car crash exactly in the same place where the ghost of Teresa said she died.

Some people argue that this is a fake or a teenage joke but they always lose their voice when they visit the graveyard and they see Tiago, the girl next to him and Teresa Fidalgo graveyards in Sintra and keep in mind this video was found by the police. This videos was even played in the news in Portugal.

Scary, isn't it?

When the police interviewed David all he said was he couldn't remember anything about that day. If I was in his place I would be afrad to death too!

After watching this video over and over again I can see in Teresa face that not only she was defenseless but she was even more scared than the teens. Was she trying revenge for dying so young in a car crash and wanted to do the same to other people?

Всъщност из целия свят се говори за това - тук, и на много други места като... l това, където е обяснено по - подробно, но... l може би тук се крие истината и това клипче е подправено... Наистина съжалявам, че не мога да посоча абсолютно автентични и достоверни източници, рових се много, но явно това ще си остане мистерия...
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Join date : 2009-03-29

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PostSubject: Re: Нещо доста странно...   Нещо доста странно... Icon_minitime1Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:36 pm

Дея по-добре го преведи
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